thats right folks. i will be doing something that i never thought possible. i will be home, alone all week. (please no snickers, i hear you scoffing at me) i am a big baby! ok?! it doesn't make me less of a person. (at least not in my mind.) here are my "goals" if you will, for the week.

happy monday! think big people!
.lauren davis.
I'm going to make this week a productive one also. At least...try, its so easy to come home from working all day every day to try and find motivation to do something, especially if its something that needs to be done around the house. Props to you girl. I've only been home alone, since being married, for a weekend...that stunk. Good luck!
thanks, i will surely need it! maybe i should make "no computer" one as well
Hmmm... Laundry... I don't know about that one!
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