i feel like i have abandoned all of my friends and family! life has been so crazy. i got called to teach the youth at my church. that has been a fun and exciting adventure. i decided that i really enjoy working with teenagers. i love making a difference in their life. I love it when they vent, scream, cry- lol usually over a boy. it really has been fantastic. i helped plan a camping trip for them and i have been living in the mountains with those crazy girls for the past four days!
brett is living in green bay, selling home automation systems. yes, he is a door knocker. love my little bd, and i can't believe how dedicated he is to providing for our family. yes. he hates it. and yes people hate him, simply because he is a door knocker (my poor guy!) we are excited to see the end of this summer, to say the least. mostly because i am living in hyrum working. this means we are a whole country apart! for any of you who know us very well, will know that this isn't a good idea. brett and i really don't do very well apart.... it just isn't how we were created. i think we are both clingy that way. so we have been keeping the airlines in business- flying back, and forth, and then back again, and then forth once more. its been stressful, but worth the weekends here and there to see each other.
sweet brett davis celebrated a birthday down there- we celebrated with friends, ate some cake, and played some night volleyball. the nights in green bay, are warm, and humid. i miss those happy care free nights.
brett and i enjoy driving up to the great lakes on sundays. its extremely beautiful, and most nights you can find yourself some good tball games goin down by the beach. its fun to see families bbq and eat hot dogs while their boy is out on the field playin ball. they are all so cute with their big wads of gum stuck in their cheeks. freckles on their noses, and a batting helmet atop their little heads. i hope i can be a baseball mom someday, if my child is into chess, i'm sure i would love that as well. i think i'm just excited to start a family in general.
yes, i miss this cute cabana boy. with his scruffy beard and his wild hair. i have been busy planning all the things i am going to do with him once we are together again.
well i know this post was short. hopefully i can get in to a routine once again. miss and love you all. i hope everyone is enjoying the summer! enjoy it while its here!
SO glad you're back! I've missed you! I bet brett loves it when you wear your glasses ;) Layne loves when I wear mine haha boys and that sexy librarian thing... cute new blog layout by the way.
i know! its hard to blog because sometimes i feel i have nothing to blog about. but i guess sharing even small things with friends and family is important! important enough to blog about at least.
yes brett loves my glasses. they annoy me! but he loves them!
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